Friday 20 September 2013

Cover Plan

I made a brief plan to give me an idea of what i wanted my front cover to look like and where i wanted to position things so they looked most effective. I didnt use the exact fonts and colours i wanted and planned to alter them later on.

Contact Sheet

I had a choice of six photos and narrowed it down to the one i thought was most suited to my magazine.  I chose tghe image because it was the right brightness, it was clear and also the background is completely white so the text on my magazine stands out and doesnt interfere.

Monday 16 September 2013

Audience Research


My research shows that the most popular music genre is indie rock. It also shows that the most popular brand of shoe is nike which is obviously fashionable at the moment. KFC and Subway are the most popular choice of fast food and romance and comedy are what genre films people most enjoy watching.
As a result, the features that i want to include in my magazine are:
1) Fasion page 2)Music Page - Battle of the Bands 3) Latest Cinema Releases 4) Fast food disasters