Wednesday 16 October 2013

Survey Analysis



From my survey i can gather what is popular and what people would like to see the most so i can then fit my magazine to suit their needs and wants so they are more likely to buy it and like it.
"Invade" and "Seize" are the most popular potential name ideas for my magazine therefore i will choose between the two choices depending on how they look on the cover. The most popular band according to my survey is Slipknot therefore so the readers are interested my double page spread will be an interview with Slipknot. When asked how people listen to to their music, each choice (Itunes, Albums and Youtube) seems to be equally popular. As a result of this a feature in my magazine will be an itunes discount code that people can access when they buy the magazine. This will make people want to buy the magazine more. I will also include a page on new releases of albums and a short review so they can go and buy them on their own accord. People are willing to pay up to £3 for the magazine so i will price it around this making sure it is reasonable so people are not put off and they get their moneys worth. The most popular fesitvals to go to are Leads and Download. I plan to include festival highlights from download including pictures and info about next year. According to my survey people are more likely to buy the magazine once a month. This means it will have alot more information in then if it was published once a week which means it can be set at a higher price. The most popular colour scheme is maroon and gold therefore i will consider this as a possible colour scheme for my magazine however i need to make sure it stands out and contrasts enough with each other in order to catch peoples attention and make them want to read it. Finally the most popular feature chosen to be included in my magazine is latest gigs, so this will fill up a doubkle page in my magazine informing people on the upcoming gigs and where they will be held. However i will also include all the other features included in the survey as they are also all very popular. Also , a unique selling point for my magazine will be the instrument feature page included info on what instruments bands are using and where they can access them.

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